The Brian Drewe Lecture Theatre, Charring Cross Hospital
One of the most used lecture theatres in the UK, The Brian Drewe Lecture Theatre at Charring Cross, was in need of urgent works to improve failing PLC and Tungsten lamp luminaires. The lighting control system was intermittent and thus unreliable for such a versatile space which also hosts musical events and award evenings as well as world leading educational lectures.
Providing a DALI LED solution controlled via Lutron Homeworks we delivered a lighting solution that enables ease of control to any user, and an interface to control the lighting through the Crestron AV system installed on the stage podium. The lit solution benefited from a far more uniform design and increased lux levels of over 40% whilst still providing the required return on investment. The Lutron lighting controls, commissioned by our technical director Ashley, have delivered scene options at the press of a button, be that ‘film’ or ‘learn’ or ‘present’ to name a few. The lighting solution provided an energy saving of over 77%.